Ahora bien, luego del examen de Micro que nos exprimio el cerebro el Lunes, me pregunto: esto fue trick or treat?
"The result was never in doubt—Ms Fernández’s ascension has often been compared to a coronation rather than a competitive election. Thanks to Mr Kirchner’s iron control over the Peronists, Ms Fernández did not face a primary and he lined up the party’s formidable political machine behind her. Her greatest strength was the economy, which has grown by over 8% each year since Mr Kirchner took office, thanks to a cheap currency and high agricultural commodity prices. Unemployment and poverty have both been cut in half during his term, which Ms Fernández regularly noted in campaign speeches.Este es el articulo completo.
Her presidency is likely to be far more difficult than that of her husband. Mr Kirchner has doggedly stimulated the economy with expansionary monetary policy, surging public spending, and price controls on food and energy, even long after signs of overheating began to show. Now, inflation is thought to be near 20%—the exact figure is not known because the government has modified the consumer-price index to keep the official rate in single digits—and energy shortages last winter caused blackouts and rationing."
“In a peaceful world, what do the Palestinians anticipate will be their main source of economic viability? Tourism. This is what their own documents say. And, of course, the Israelis make a lot of money from tourism, and that revenue is very easy to track. As a starting point requiring no trust, no mutual cooperation, I would suggest that all tourist revenue be [divided by] a fixed formula based on the current population of the region, which is roughly 40 percent Palestinian, 60 percent Israeli. The money would go automatically to each side. Now, when there is violence, tourists don’t come. So the tourist revenue is automatically responsive to the level of violence on either side for both sides. You have an accounting firm that both sides agree to, you let the U.N. do it, whatever. It’s completely self-enforcing, it requires no cooperation except the initial agreement by the Israelis that they are going to turn this part of the revenue over, on a fixed formula based on population, to some international agency, and that’s that.”Aca esta la nota completa.
"Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the wife of Argentina’s president, Néstor Kirchner, has become the first woman to be elected president in the country’s history, according to the latest official results published today.Chicago Tribune:
Despite approval ratings of more than 60 percent, Mr. Kirchner decided in July not to run for re-election, in what many analysts believe is a strategy to rotate the couple through the Pink House, the presidential palace here, for 12 years. Argentine election law allows a former president to run again after waiting four years on the sidelines.
Despite Mrs. Kirchner’s apparent victory, several rival candidates on Sunday reported voter irregularities in some Peronist strongholds. 'Each time a citizen went to vote, the voting authority at the table said there aren’t ballots for your party,' said Patricia Bullrich, the campaign chief for Ms. Carrió. 'They said: ‘O.K., you still have to vote. Vote for a blank slate, but you have to vote.’ "
"President Nestor Kirchner and first lady Cristina Fernandez will switch jobs in December after Argentines elected a female president for the first time and launched their country's most powerful political dynasty since Juan and Evita Peron.Financial Times:
Carrio spokesman Matias Mendez said seven parties had filed a complaint alleging missing or stolen ballots. One representative of the ruling party was arrested on suspicion of trying to vote twice, and a judge extended voting by an hour in the capital because many polling stations opened late.
'This is a dynasty-in-waiting, but it will collapse as they all do if she can't get a team together to differentiate herself from Nestor Kirchner,' said Riordan Roett, director of Western Hemisphere studies at Johns Hopkins University."
"Cristina Fernández, Argentina’s first lady, won a resounding victory in presidential elections on Sunday but avoided triumphalism, seeking instead to build bridges with middle-class voters who had opted for opposition candidates.
Ms Fernández, a glamorous figure with long hair, designer clothes and trademark bold make-up, has promised only gradual changes to the growth-orientated policies pursued since Argentina’s $100bn debt default in 2002. The next president is expected to seek to renegotiate $6bn in Paris Club debt owed since then."
1. I cherish my consumer surplus. I value most of the stuff I buy way more than what I have to pay for them; vanilla ice cream makes me happy beyond belief, and the same is true for the music of Dream Theater and the (soon to be purchased) Apple iphone. And what am I asked to pay for them? Peanuts.Todo muy bonito... pero creo que en este preciso momento- otra hermosa noche de viernes solo with my baby mientras alla afuera hay Halloween Parties por doquier incluyendo la de las vecinas de arriba a las que tuve que decirles que no por el midterm que tengo el lunes- podria emitir una opinion un tanto sesgada al respecto, por lo que me la reservo.
2. I cherish my producer surplus. I am getting paid way, way more than the salary that would make me indifferent between supplying labour and staying at home.
3. I never have regrets: I did the best I could given the information available to me at the time. Judging I could have done better using information I acquired at a later date makes as much sense as regretting the existence of gravity. On a related topic, I understand the irrelevance of sunk costs.
4. While I do care for my welfare in relative terms, my welfare in absolute terms looms large in my utility function - and, boy, look how its value has been growing.
5. The selfishness of my fellow human beings does not make me anxious or depressed. Adam Smith (or was it Mandeville?) taught me that humans, selfish as they are, can make happy societies. And perhaps more to the point, they can make me happy.
"There is more scientific research, or publication of results, in richer territories. This locational bias is such that roughly three times more scientific papers per person living there are published in Western Europe, North America, and Japan, than in any other region."Donde esta el octavo pais mas grande del mundo que no logro verlo bien?
We humans tend to be an optimistic bunch. In fact, it's long been established by psychologists that most people are likely to be irrationally positive. The optimism bias, as it's called, accounts for the fact that we expect to live longer and be more successful than the average and we tend to underestimate the likelihood of getting a serious disease or a divorce. This tendency is adaptive—many researchers have claimed that a positive outlook motivates us to plan for our future and may even have an effect on our long-term physical health.Aca esta el articulo de Newsweek.
"The theory, I think, would predict that economists, engineers, and scientists would likely be dominated by left-brain thinkers who see her spinning counter-clockwise, whereas humanists and non-economics social scientists would have more right-brain thinkers. Here’s how the numbers actually break down as to who initially sees her spinning counter-clockwise among Freakonomics blog readers. The higher this number, the more rational you are supposed to be (with the number of observations in parentheses):Aca esta el articulo completo de S. Levitt.
Engineers/mathematicians/computer programmers: 21.8% (N=55)
Economists: 26.7% (N=60)
Scientists: 31.0% (N=29)
Social Scientists: 36.2% (N=47)
Humanities: 42.9% (N=28)
Admittedly, these are not large sample sizes, but the results could hardly be more off from the theory’s apparent predictions. Ironically, it appears that the theory does have some power to order people as to how logical they might be — you just have to reverse your interpretation of which direction of spin corresponds to right-brained thinking. Perhaps the author of the article just got confused?"
"The current practice of measuring age as years-since-birth, both in common practice and in the law, rather than alternative measures reflecting a person's stage in the lifecycle distorts important behavior such as retirement, saving, and the discussion of dependency ratios. Two alternative measures of age are explored: mortality risk and remaining life expectancy."Parece una buena noticia para quienes creian que estaban viejos. Ahora pueden decir, 'bueno, por el otro lado, si tomamos en cuenta lo que todavia me queda por vivir...'
"One big doubt is whether she will take the steps, eschewed by Mr Kirchner, needed to engineer a soft landing for the economy. Once inflation exceeds 20% and energy rationing reaches homes, Argentines will surely demand solutions to these problems. But these involve unpopular measures for which the public has not been prepared. If inflation is to be curbed, rather than covered-up, interest rates will have to rise, the growth of public spending will need to be checked, and the peso be allowed to appreciate. Energy tariffs will have to rise, some of them steeply."
"Per kilometer, cyclists are 12 times more likely than car drivers to suffer a fatal accident, according to Rutgers University urban planner John Pucher and Lewis Dijkstra of the European Commission (the same study found traveling by foot to be 23 times more dangerous than driving, per kilometer)."Pero como siempre decimos los economistas, por el otro lado...
"On the other hand, a Danish study found that people who do not bike to work suffer a 39 percent higher mortality rate than those who do. So, assuming you can avoid a fatal accident on the road, biking to work may actually help you live longer."Por lo pronto, y mientras no hagan 25 grados bajo cero, voy a autoconvencerme que la suerte me acompaña y voy a seguir con mi bici para todos lados. Si dejo de postear repentinamente recuerden este post...
Our research addresses fundamental long-standing concerns in the compensating wage differentials literature and its public policy implications: the econometric properties of estimates of the value of statistical life (VSL) and the wide range of such estimates from about $0.5 million to about $21 million. We address most of the prominent econometric issues by applying panel data, a new and more accurate fatality risk measure, and systematic selection of panel estimator in our research. Controlling for measurement error, endogeneity, individual heterogeneity, and state dependence yields both a reasonable average level and narrow range for the estimated value of a statistical life of about $5.5–$7.5 million.
"Contradicting Rodrigo Rato, the outgoing IMF managing director, who last week said “right now the dollar is undervalued”, the fund’s staff conclude the dollar is still too high. The multilateral lender also forecast slower growth in 2008 at 4.75 per cent, compared with 5.2 per cent expected this year."
"Two children are squabbling over how to divide a pie. We need a method to divide the pie fairly. Parents will already know one answer—one child cuts and the second child chooses. The second child will choose the larger half which gives the first child the incentive to cut as evenly as possible. The first-cut, second-choose solution is a simple example of an incentive-compatible mechanism. Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin, and Roger Myerson received the Nobel prize in economics for their study of incentive-compatible mechanisms or, more informally, 'mechanism design' ".
"With the unemployment rate up to 4.7 percent in September from 4.4 percent in March, the economy is feeling a chill. Is it descending into recession?"
"Sólo el 5 por ciento de la población más rica de la Argentina se queda con un cuarto de los ingresos totales del país.Aca esta el articulo completo de Ambito Financiero (se necesita subscripcion).
La clase alta argentina cobra un salario promedio de $20.876, utilizan $14.321 para gastos mensuales y ahorra los restantes $6.555. Constituyen el 5% de la población del país pero representan un cuarto de los ingresos totales."
Cual es el proximo numero en la siguiente secuencia?Piensen el problema por su propia cuenta. Voy a poner la respuesta en el primer comentario.
2, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19,...
"I have to say that the respondent has some pretty sensible economics in his answer. My guess, however, is that with that mindset he probably doesn’t have any more success with ladies than the gold-digging woman does with men. Just as politics often trumps economics when it comes to public policy, rational arguments rarely win the day in dating, love, and marriage.
I wouldn’t expect male economists to marry very well. Firstly, they tend to think like the guy who wrote this letter. Secondly, they tend to be nerds. Thirdly, they make very little money when they are young because they get so much education, even though their lifetime income is quite high. Yet I think it is fair to say that the economists I know have married stunningly well (myself included). We’ve all been puzzling over this fact for the fifteen years I have been in the profession. As of yet, no one has come up with a good explanation. I doubt it could be perfect foresight on the part of the women we marry.
Also, completely contrary to what an economic model might predict, I can’t think of any economist who left his wife in middle age for a younger “trophy” wife. There must be cases, but none that spring to mind.
So maybe economists aren’t such heartless, conniving people after all. Or maybe economists just care so little about human relationships that it’s not worth the trouble to try to acquire a trophy wife"
"Last month on Craigslist.com, someone who described herself as a “spectacularly beautiful” 25-year-old placed a personal ad seeking a husband who made at least $500,000 a year, because '$250,000 won’t get me to Central Park West.'Aca esta nota completa que hace el NY Times sobre el asunto.
Last week, this exchange spilled over into the e-mail world, where the it turned into a popular item to send to friends as a joke. The difference between this and other outrageous share-mail messages, however, was that instead of remaining anonymous, its ostensible author signed his name and the company where he worked, which happened to be the investment banking division of JPMorgan Chase.
And Mr. Carney said he was not holding his breath that the Wall Street type would step forward. 'In the age of ultrasensitivity to sexual harassment, people might think that this guy’s response about women being depreciating assets is not exactly how they want their firm to be perceived by the public,' he said."
Para los interesados en las estadísticas:"A las 14hs. en el Estadio Monumental se proyectó Papá por siempre, con la Participación estelar de: Radamel Falcao García con un zurdazo a los 23 minutos del primer tiempo y Ariel (BURRITO) Ortega con un penal convertido a los 31 minutos de la primer etapa."
"For those who attempt it, the doctoral dissertation can loom on the horizon like Everest, gleaming invitingly as a challenge but often turning into a masochistic exercise once the ascent is begun. The average student takes 8.2 years to get a Ph.D.; in education, that figure surpasses 13 years. Fifty percent of students drop out along the way, with dissertations the major stumbling block. At commencement, the typical doctoral holder is 33, an age when peers are well along in their professions, and 12 percent of graduates are saddled with more than $50,000 in debt."
"Anything you learn changes your brain. That’s the point of learning. And different types of learning strengthen different parts of your brain. For example, learning math changes your brain in a different way from learning art, or learning to juggle.Aca esta el articulo completo de Scott Adams.
I studied economics in college. One thing I’ve noticed is that other people who have studied economics tend to think a similar way. Some of the similarity is probably because it takes a certain kind of person to be interested in economics in the first place. But I’m convinced that the study of economics changes brains in a way I can identify after about five minutes of conversation. In particular, I think the study of economics makes you relatively immune to cognitive dissonance."