Saturday, October 27, 2007

Estudiar Economia te hace mas feliz?

Es la pregunta que plantea Tyler Cowen en este post de su blog. Estos son los motivos por los que Nikos Sp dice que si:
1. I cherish my consumer surplus. I value most of the stuff I buy way more than what I have to pay for them; vanilla ice cream makes me happy beyond belief, and the same is true for the music of Dream Theater and the (soon to be purchased) Apple iphone. And what am I asked to pay for them? Peanuts.

2. I cherish my producer surplus. I am getting paid way, way more than the salary that would make me indifferent between supplying labour and staying at home.

3. I never have regrets: I did the best I could given the information available to me at the time. Judging I could have done better using information I acquired at a later date makes as much sense as regretting the existence of gravity. On a related topic, I understand the irrelevance of sunk costs.

4. While I do care for my welfare in relative terms, my welfare in absolute terms looms large in my utility function - and, boy, look how its value has been growing.

5. The selfishness of my fellow human beings does not make me anxious or depressed. Adam Smith (or was it Mandeville?) taught me that humans, selfish as they are, can make happy societies. And perhaps more to the point, they can make me happy.
Todo muy bonito... pero creo que en este preciso momento- otra hermosa noche de viernes solo with my baby mientras alla afuera hay Halloween Parties por doquier incluyendo la de las vecinas de arriba a las que tuve que decirles que no por el midterm que tengo el lunes- podria emitir una opinion un tanto sesgada al respecto, por lo que me la reservo.

Obs: Todo tipo de comentario alentador al estilo yo tambien pase una noche de viernes 'genial' es muy bienvenido.


Anonymous said...

no te preocupes.... no todo es Halloween.... seguí con tu baby, por va bien.....

Anonymous said...

Esta vez no voy a ser de mucha ayuda. Te lo resumo en una frase: hoy no voy a poder hacer nada productivo... jajajaja. Suerte con eso.

Anonymous said...

Están buenas tus vecinas de arriba?

JAVITO said...

Pongamoslo asi: la rubia compensa por la escasez femenina de companieras en el PhD......

Anonymous said...

Bien ahí ciego! Aprovechá que dicen que a las gringas les gustan los latinos...