Wednesday, October 31, 2007

La pareja feliz

The Economist sobre la pareja feliz argentina:
"The result was never in doubt—Ms Fernández’s ascension has often been compared to a coronation rather than a competitive election. Thanks to Mr Kirchner’s iron control over the Peronists, Ms Fernández did not face a primary and he lined up the party’s formidable political machine behind her. Her greatest strength was the economy, which has grown by over 8% each year since Mr Kirchner took office, thanks to a cheap currency and high agricultural commodity prices. Unemployment and poverty have both been cut in half during his term, which Ms Fernández regularly noted in campaign speeches.

Her presidency is likely to be far more difficult than that of her husband. Mr Kirchner has doggedly stimulated the economy with expansionary monetary policy, surging public spending, and price controls on food and energy, even long after signs of overheating began to show. Now, inflation is thought to be near 20%—the exact figure is not known because the government has modified the consumer-price index to keep the official rate in single digits—and energy shortages last winter caused blackouts and rationing."
Este es el articulo completo.

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