Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Como cambia la economia la forma de pensar

El profesor Greg Mankiw nos remite en esta nota de su blog a un articulo de Scott Adams (creador del comic Dilbert) donde este ultimo explica la manera en la que economics cambia la forma de pensar de la gente:
"Anything you learn changes your brain. That’s the point of learning. And different types of learning strengthen different parts of your brain. For example, learning math changes your brain in a different way from learning art, or learning to juggle.

I studied economics in college. One thing I’ve noticed is that other people who have studied economics tend to think a similar way. Some of the similarity is probably because it takes a certain kind of person to be interested in economics in the first place. But I’m convinced that the study of economics changes brains in a way I can identify after about five minutes of conversation. In particular, I think the study of economics makes you relatively immune to cognitive dissonance."
Aca esta el articulo completo de Scott Adams.

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