Thursday, April 3, 2008

Suspension del paro

En el NY Times de hoy:
"Food shortages were also becoming acute. 'The strike could not continue much longer because time favored the government,' said Graciela Romer, a political analyst in Buenos Aires. The farmers 'would have been converted into the bad guys.'

The conflict has proved to be Mrs. Kirchner’s stiffest test since she took office in December. The president has given four major speeches in the last eight days.

Mrs. Kirchner’s government set off the farmers’ rebellion on March 11, when it created a new sliding-scale system of export taxes that increased taxes on soy beans, among other products, to 45 percent from 35 percent. The taxes rise or fall according to commodity prices. The government invoked the new system to try to curb rising inflation, which officially topped 9 percent last year, though private economists dispute official figures, saying inflation may be twice as high."
Y si se quieren emocionar mas, aca hay otro articulo tambien en el NY Times de hoy sobre la huelguita de los amigos de Aerolineas Argentinas.

Que orgullo!

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