Friday, March 14, 2008

Prostitucion Moral

Como ha trascendido en las noticias de los ultimos dias el ahora ex gobernador de Nueva York Eliot Spitzer se vio involucrado en lo que a ciertos periodistas de tinte amarillo les gusta llamar un circulo de prostitucion de superlujo lo que, probablemente, termine con su carrera politica. La pregunta es, ¿que es lo que esta juzgando la sociedad al condenar a Spitzer de esta forma y que es lo que deberia juzgar? Dos opiniones que me parecen mas interesantes que los tradicionales cliches moralistas son la de estos dos señores:

Justin Wolfers:
"If we judge politicians by what they buy, then Eliot Spitzer has clearly violated the public’s trust: he purchased the services of a high-priced prostitute, and may well end his political career as a result. But what if we judge politicians by what they sell? On this score, Spitzer may be one of the few politicians who has not prostituted himself to special interests."
Alex Tabarrok:
"If Governor Spitzer wanted to have sex with a younger woman then instead of hiring a prostitute he could have gotten a divorce and remarried, just like so many other rich and powerful men. Or he could have had an affair. Of these options hiring a prostitute is the least threatening to marriage but it's the only option which is illegal. In contrast, getting a divorce and remarrying a younger woman is so common it doesn't even stop a man from running for President."

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