Monday, January 11, 2010

US esta aprendiendo de Europa

En este articulo de Paul Krugman en el NY Times,
"As health care reform nears the finish line, there is much wailing and rending of garments among conservatives. And I’m not just talking about the tea partiers. Even calmer conservatives have been issuing dire warnings that Obamacare will turn America into a European-style social democracy. And everyone knows that Europe has lost all its economic dynamism."
Aca va el GDP per capita ajustado por el nivel de precios (PPP) segun el IMF para US, algunos paises de Europa y Latinoamerica,

United States 47,440
United Kingdom 36,358
Germany 35,539
France 34,205
Greece 30,681
Italy 30,631
Spain 30,589
Mexico 14,534
Chile 14,529
Argentina 14,408
Venezuela 12,806
Uruguay 12,785
Brazil 10,466
World 10,433

Update 1: Aca otra critica al argumento de que US debe aprender de Europa. HT to Greg Mankiw.
Update 2: The rise of european leisure.

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