Monday, December 21, 2009

El desarrollo Shileno

Ya lo veniamos diciendo desde hace varios años. Ahora se formaliza la realidad. Chile dejara de ser un pais en vias de desarrollo y pasara a formar parte del selecto grupo de las naciones ricas del planeta, la OECD.
This week, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a club of rich nations that includes the United States, Japan and several European countries, formally invited Chile to join. Becoming the first South American nation in the 30-member group would be among the tangible signs of Chile's steady rise since the 1980s, when it was in the grip of dictatorship.

Chile has posted Latin America's fastest economic growth over a generation, and poverty has dropped from 45 percent before the demise of Gen. Augusto Pinochet's government to a regional low of 14 percent today. But Giugale and other economists say Chile has advanced in areas more difficult to measure, such as strengthening state institutions like the courts and fighting corruption.
Aca el articulo del Washington Post.

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